Nitty Gritty NitFree Head Lice Comb
Our amazing, award-winning Nitty Gritty NitFree Comb is unlike any other product on the market, our innovative micro spiral comb is the only head lice product to remove not only the smallest head lice aswell as the nits (the empty egg cases) but also, most importantly, it even removes the unhatched 'live' head louse eggs, which is the main cause of repeated infestations.The Nitty Gritty NitFree Comb serves a whole family – and can be used without any need for chemical treatments. It works brilliantly with any ordinary hair conditioner, and even better when teamed with our Nitty Gritty Aromatherapy Head Lice Solution. Whats more it is covered by our lifetime guarantee!
We believe it's the biggest advance in head lice treatments ever, and it has been trusted by over 3 million families!
Head lice are about half a millimetre long, and 2 to 3 millimetres wide, so traditional plastic nit combs will usually pick up the larger head lice but can often leave the smaller baby lice behind, but what's worse is they leave the unhatched eggs behind! The eggs are attached to each hair strand with a strong glue, which makes them very difficult to remove. But the NittyGritty NitFree Comb uses state of the art, cutting edge advanced technology to ensure its 33 microgrooved steel teeth remove everything, all in one combing, even the very smallest head lice and eggs. Effortlessly and painlessly and without the need for any chemical treatments!
Once you are head lice free you can use it to do weekly head lice checks as part of your child's hair care rountine!
You can find full instructions for how best to use our products on our Useful Downloads page, at the bottom of our website.
The 33 microgrooved teeth are separated from each other by a carefully-calculated gap, which is smaller than even the tiniest egg. Their extra length goes all the way through even the thickest, curliest locks, to remove more nits in fewer strokes. Long and fine, or short and curly, the NittyGritty NitFree Comb works in all hair types.
Every one of the Nitty Gritty NitFree Comb's 33 teeth carries a spiral "microgroove". Look closely and you'll see they're shaped like tiny drill bits. Why? Because this makes it impossible for headlice and eggs caught by the comb to slip out and escape when they're trapped between two grooved steel teeth. The teeth of a conventional metal or plastic comb will bend around nits, rather than gripping and dragging them off the hair surface, but look at our comb under a microscope and you'll see the difference. The microgroove on each tooth works to pull a tiny spiral cutting edge through your hair, and the teeth are welded into the comb handle in a special process which keeps that vital microgroove working all the way through your hair. It is amazingly effective at breaking the hermetic sealing of the nits, to remove them without tearing or pulling your hair.
The end of each comb tooth is machined precisely into the shape of a cone. The cones separate the hair gently and direct each hair strand through the blades without snapping or tangling. The tip of the cone is then rounded, so there is no sharp point to prick, scratch or bruise the scalp. Small children and older family members we have asked both say that this is one of their favourite things about the NittyGritty NitFree comb.
The special stainless steel used to manufacture the comb won't rust or tarnish if kept dry after each use. Each comb retains its tough, stylish appearance even after prolonged immersion in water and exposure to the different chemical products such as permethrins, decamethrins and vinegar-found in many head lice treatments (although remember these chemical treatments are not necessary, you can simply use ordinary hair conditioner or our Aromatherapy Head Lice Treatment with our comb). It is perfectly fine to sterilize the comb in boiling water.
Use the Nitty Gritty NitFree Comb anywhere - even in the bath or shower! There are no sharp corners or edges to poke or scratch you, and the comb's non-slip grips make it easy to use even when using with a slippery solution or conditioner. Plus it's comfy, which encourages users to comb deeper, more thoroughly and more often than they would with a regular-style "scratchy" nit comb. Unlike all other combs on the market, the Nitty Gritty NitFree Comb is built to last from top-quality stainless steel, carries a lifetime guarantee and has been trusted by over 3 million families, healthcare and childcare professionals.
Our Nitty Gritty Comb comes with a Lifetime Guarantee! You can read more about our Lifetime Guarantee here.
Our comb is made from high quality stainless steel and will last a lifetime if it is properly taken care of.
It won't rust or tarnish if kept clean and dry after each use. Each comb will retain its tough, stylish appearance even after prolonged immersion in water and exposure to the different chemical products such as permethrin, decamethrin and dimethicone - found in many head lice treatments (although remember these chemical treatments are not necessary, you can simply use our comb with ordinary hair conditioner or our Aromatherapy Head Lice Solution).
How to care for your comb:
After each use it is important to wash your comb and dry it thoroughly. You can use an old toothbrush to clean your comb under a running tap to ensure nothing is left behind between the teeth.
It is perfectly fine to sterilize the comb in boiling water. As long as you dry it thoroughly afterwards.
We also suggest storing it in a little jewellery bag or plastic CD wallet or envelope, this will just protect the teeth and will help keep it good as new for years to come.
Why does it look like there is rust on the back of the handle?
Each of the 33 teeth are individually welded into the chassis of the handle and during this welding process it can cause some slight discolouration heat marks around the tiny perforation holes. This is not rust and will not affect the performance of your comb in any way.
An independent survey carried out by the highly-respected parenting website Mumsnet.com shows that the Nitty Gritty Comb isn’t just the best performing head lice product... it’s the most recommended too. An incredible 96% of parents, teachers and healthcare professionals who took part in the survey rated the Nitty Gritty Comb as Very Good or Excellent, 94% would recommend it to a friend, with 91% saying that it worked better than every other head lice treatment they had used.*