Caring for you Nitty Gritty comb
Getting down to the Nitty Gritty!
Top Tips for dealing with head lice this school term!
How to treat babies with head lice!
Why you should ditch the chemical head lice treatments!
What treatment does the NHS recommend for tackling head lice?
How quickly can head lice crawl from one head to another?
Do I need to deep clean the house after having head lice?
Can you catch head lice from sharing a hair brush?
Can head lice live on pets?
Understanding the Life Cycle of a head louse
How many eggs can a head louse lay?
Can head lice jump or fly?
Do head lice prefer clean or dirty hair?
Does everyone feel itchy when they have head lice?
How to effectively remove lice and eggs with your Nitty Gritty Comb
Where do head lice like to lay their eggs?
Should you tell your child’s school if your child has head lice?
How long can head lice survive off the human head?
How can you tell if a head louse egg is live or has already hatched?
How to tell the difference between head lice eggs and dandruff?